Monday, March 28, 2011


Your Favorite Memory.

This is probably one of the hardest posts I have ever written. 
There are a million favorite memories floating around in my head.
How do I pick just one?
This is how. 
I decided to look at my wall of pictures
and the first one I see...I'd write about. 
This is the one I saw.

 This picture was taken in the parking lot of D.I.
And there is a pre-story to this memory.

It was my first real concert.
Full credit of my liking of this band goes to this girl.
She showed me it and I liked it right away.
It was just cool music.
Then they came to Provo. 
 (The Velour to be exact.)
So obviously we went.
It was raining while we were waiting outside for the doors to open.
 But we didn't mind. 
The excitement kept us warm.
The tickets were priced at approximately $8 a person.
We got our hands stamped and then purchased the t-shirts right away.
 A few bands played prior to the band we came to see.
One threw me the blue suit jacket he was wearing. 
 I still have it. 
Then they finished.
And the next started setting up for their show.
(Many of you have probably never even heard of them. Which sucks.. Because you missed out. They aren't together anymore and so you will never be able so see them live. Ever.)
We somehow managed to make our way to the front of the crowd. 
I have never sweated so much in my entire life.
We danced and sang our hearts out.
And when it was over, we weren't finished.
So we blared all their songs on the way home singing at the top of our lungs. 
I wore my shirt to school the next day.
I didn't even wash it.
Nasty, I know. 
But don't worry I have long since kicked the habit of wearing dirty concert shirts to school.
Now comes the favorite memory.
After school my sister and her friend Sarah (pictured above) went to D.I. to get some things for a project Jes was working on. As we are driving out of the parking lot (in our shirts of course) we passed a car pulling in. They wave. Jessica yells and says it's Love You Long Time. NO. FREAKING. WAY. I didn't believe her. Why would they be in American Fork? Not possible. But Jessica is positive it is them. So she turns around.
Praise the heavens for that move.
We get back into the parking lot and guess who is getting out of their car.
You guessed it.
We jumped out of the car and ran up to them. Asking for a picture. They more than willingly agreed. (Except we are missing a member. The girl in the front, her husband. He was home with the baby.)
They told us they recognized our shirts and assumed we were at the concert last night.
Hence the wave.
Jes, I apologize for not believing you.
It'll never happen again.
that is how I met one of my favorite bands in the parking lot of the American Fork Deseret Industries. 

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