What you need to know.

My name is Jenna Renee Abram.
I have blue eyes.
I was born in Arcadia, California.
And like to pretend I lived there longer than 2 weeks.
I can basically play one song on the piano.
When the Saints Go Marching In.
I played with Barbie dolls until I was 14.
I only passed my driver’s test because it was my birthday.
 I used to sleep with all of my stuffed animals because I didn’t want to hurt any of the other’s feelings.
I live for music even though I can’t play or sing any of it.
I sometimes wish I grew up on a farm.
Other times I wish I grew up in the big city.
I am legally blind and without my glasses or contacts,
I couldn’t see my own hand in front of my face.
I am terrified of clowns.
And mascots.
Concerts are my favorite things to go to.
I enjoy plays and musicals more than a normal person.
Sunflowers are my favorite flowers.
The farthest places I’ve traveled are California and Colorado.
Everyone in my family has a “J” name.
So does my dad’s entire family.
And my mom’s.
I am a Latter Day Saint.
 I like to draw on whiteboards. A lot.
I have kept a journal since 1st grade.
Post it notes are my absolute most favorite things.
The most serious relationship I’ve ever been in was in 9th grade.
We hugged twice.
I bite my cheek without fail, every single time I chew gum.
I love the beach more than anywhere else in the world.
(Not that I’ve seen much of it…)
I love to read.
When I get in my reading modes, I usually go through 5-6 books in a month.
I can’t wait to be a mom.
But I’m definitely not ready to grow up.
I like quotes.
Especially quotes about love.
Really anything about love.
I like love.
I’m the biggest chick-flick-aholic.
But I don’t like to show it.
I obsess with magazines.
I like to pretend I’m good at stuff like photography,
But I’m not.
I’ve never been much for sharing my feelings,
So this blog is quite a new experience for me.
Bear with me.