Friday, April 6, 2012

I don't have a title.

I think people should say how they feel more often.
I know it's hard.
Or awkward.
But it always ends right.
Maybe not the way you want it, but definitely the way it is supposed to.
We shouldn't be so afraid to tell how we feel.
Because we aren't the only ones feeling it.
Maybe the person doesn't feel the same.
So what. 
At least then you know.
And you can stop chasing them.
You are just narrowing down the list of potential people to love.
And no one says I love you enough.
But at the same time, it's used to much.
We just need to figure out how to use it.
Don't say it if you don't mean it.
Because those three words mean a lot more than a sentence.
And if you don't know the meaning, you don't have the right to say it.
And saying how you feel isn't just about love.
Being vague about your feelings is stupid.
It helps no one.
And sometimes it hurts when real feelings come out.
But wouldn't you rather know someone stopped loving you, 
than just living your entire life thinking they love you?
Excuses like,
I'm waiting for the right time to tell them.
I don't want to be hurt if they say they don't feel the same way.
I'm not sure of my feelings, yet. So I don't want to say them yet.
There is never going to be the perfect time. So you just have to do it.
Finding out they don't feel the same way is way better than forever wondering.
And who is ever truly sure about all of their feelings?
No one.
Love grows from little unsure feelings.
But it sure can't grow if you never give it a chance.

This is actually really quite selfish of me because right now, while writing this, 
I don't care if all of you run out and tell someone you love them.
In all honesty, I am just really bitter that some people don't let you know that they stopped liking you. They just dump you and pretend like everything is fine, they still like you, they just don't want anything serious. 
Then all of a sudden, they disappear off the face of the planet.
You don't talk to them.
They don't talk to you.
They delete you off facebook.
Which is so stupid but for some reason it hurts so bad.
I guess because the last thing they said to you was that they still love being with you. 
And talking to  you.
Which is just a big fat lie. 
Because if any of it was true, then you would of at least heard from them. 
But you don't.
And you finally decide that it's okay. 
And you wouldn't want to be with anyone like that anyway.
So you're glad it ended soon.
And I don't want pity.
Just honesty.
It's what everyone deserves.


Gretchen said...

Did you step into my head/life and write about it? Because this all sounds too familiar.

Alyssa Robyn said...

What a breath of fresh air. You're wonderful Jenna.

Bubbles said...

Oh yeah! I got ya there. I'm learning this in my life right now. And yes, as I become more assertive in my expression and feelings I become more confident more self assured in who I am. It's a great feeling, although I can be sloppy at it sometimes:)

Bubbles said...

Oh yeah! I got ya there. I'm learning this in my life right now. And yes, as I become more assertive in my expression and feelings I become more confident more self assured in who I am. It's a great feeling, although I can be sloppy at it sometimes:)

chandice marie said...

So...I love this blog. And because I do, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check my blog in a few minutes for the deets!

Jessica said...

Please come back to writing.